Title One Staff
Title 1
Title One Tip of the Week Videos
- Tip of the Week - Reading at Home with Mrs. Boutot
- Tip of the Week- Reading on the Go with Ms. AJ
- Tip of the Week - Rhyming with Mrs. Wing
- Tip of the Week - Making Reading Fun with Mrs. Wing
- Tip of the Week- Rhyming with Ms. AJ
- Tip of the Week - Picture Walks & Pointing Power with Mrs. Wing
- Tip of the Week - Snap Words with Mrs. Wentworth
- Tip of the Week - Eagle Eyes with Mrs. Dunnells
- Tip of the Week - Get your Mouth Ready with Mrs. Clift
- Tip of the Week - Comprehension with Mrs. Duplin & Mrs. Day
- Tip of the Week - Phrase Cards wit Mrs. Dunnells
- Tip of the Week - Word Chunks with Mrs. Wentworth
- Tip of the Week - Math Facts with Mrs. Duplin & Mrs. Day
School/Teacher Responsibilities
The school is responsible for providing a high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables students served under Title I to meet the State’s academic achievement standards.
Parent/Home Responsibilities
Parents/guardians will be encouraged to support their children’s learning by:
Monitoring their children’s attendance
Providing assistance and encouraging their children to complete homework assignments
Encouraging their children to ask for help from teachers or classroom aides (ed techs, volunteers) when needed;
Talking with their children about the school day;
Reading to or with their children;
Monitoring and limiting their children’s technology usage;
Volunteering in the classroom and for school-related activities such as field trips;
Participating, as appropriate, in decisions related to the education of their children; and
Enrolling their children in extracurricular and age-appropriate, community-based, after-school activities.
What is Title I?