Wellness embodies our vision as the foundation for our students & staff!
SAD 55 encompasses three Healthy Maine Partnerships - Healthy Lakes Region, Partners for Healthier Communities, & Healthy Oxford Hills. Together we establish our annual wellness plans.
Our Vision
“M.S.A.D. #55 will be a community of life-long learners where all are challenged to become clear and effective communicators, creative problem solvers, quality workers and involved citizens.”
Our Members
Our Members:
-Samantha Wedgewood - Food Service Director
-Amy Vacchiano - SVMS School Counselor
-Sonya Logan - Athletic Director & SVMS Vice Principal
-Judy Ingram - School Board Member
-Rhonda Johnson, RN - District Nurse
-Becky Connors - Parent Representative.
-Britt Wolfe - SVHS Principal
-Carl Costanzi & Sarah Carter - Let's Go Oxford County